Duke Nukem 3D Authorizing template ____________________________________________________________ Title: Saturday Night Fever, originally TGIF, but someone already picked that name for his map, so I had to change it. Filename: fever.map Author: Jesus R. Olivera E-mail Adress: Olivera@ix.netcom.com Misc. author info: Also made Dukepark.map, Dukeclub.map and Dukeduel for Duke, Ballpark.wad for DOOM2, they are available somewhere in the net in Brad Wernicke's site (ELITE ?? Right??). Approximate construction time: About 5 weeks on and off. Description: Lots of estratigically placed monsters with minimal puzzle solving. Excellent to releive stress after a hard day at work. I tried to make it very hard, but should be OK for the Duke fanatic. Save often and don't forget to pray before you press that start button. Just for fun, do shoot towards the shuttle with the machine gun or pistol. Additional Credits: 3D-Realms. Special thanks to Brett GMoser, who made life a lot easier with his Map Editing FAQ. Many thanks to whoever made that "staying alive" midi music. I searched the net unsuccesfully for the name of the author. Story: Prisioner Duke was dying to relax after a hard week in hydroponics and decided to look for the orbiter club. It's not going to be easy, but what the hell, Duke is a warrior not a gardener. Note: PLEASE USE THE INCLUDED MIDI FILE to set the mood. --------------------------------------------------------------- ***Play Info*** Episode and level: Episode 1, map 1 Base: New from scratch. (Borrowed ideas on the orbiter from E2L8.) Single Player: Yes. DukeMatch: Yes. Untested though. My brother and dukematch partner has been busy lately. Co-op: I think so. Difficulty settings: No Editors Used: BUILD Known Bugs: None noticeable after countless times played. Miscellaneous: Constructive criticism welcome. You may do as you wish with this level, just please mention that I participated in its construction, it was a lot of work.